C Program to Enter an Operator and Two Operands and Perform the Operation

In this program, the user is asked to enter any one of the operators +, -, *, / and also two operands. The operation chosen by the user is carried out on the two operands.


int main()


  int a,b,res;
  char c;
  printf ("Enter any one operator +, -, *, / n");
  scanf("%c", &c);
  printf ("n Enter two numbers n");
  scanf ("n %d n %d",&a, &b);
    case '+': res=a+b;
    printf("n The sum is %d",res);

    case '-': res=a-b;
    printf("n The difference is %d",res);

    case '*': res=a*b;
    printf("n The product is %d",res);

    case '/': res=a/b;
    printf("n The quotient is %d",res);

    default: printf ("n Invalid entry");

  return 0;

Here, the operator given by user is stored in variable c and the two operands are stored in variable a and b. The operator in variable c is checked against a list of labels in the switch statement. When a matching label is found, the list of operations associated with the label is executed meaning that if the variable c is equal to ‘+’ sign then the operations res=a+b and the statement “The sum is …“ is executed and the rest of the operations inside the switch statement is skipped. If the user enters other characters than +, -, *, / then “Invalid Entry” is displayed.

The program can also be written by using else if statement as:


int main()


  int a, b, res;
  char c;
  printf ("Enter any one operator +, -, *, / n");
  scanf("%c", &c);
  printf ("n Enter two numbers n");
  scanf ("n %d n %d",&a, &b);

  if (c=='+')
    printf("n The sum is %d",res);

  else if(c== '-')
    printf("n The difference is %d",res);

  else if(c== '*')
    printf("n The product is %d",res);

  else if(c==’/’)
    printf("n The quotient is %d",res);

    printf ("n Invalid entry");

  return 0;


Here, the character in variable c is check against the if condition and the else if conditions. When the condition that matches with the character in variable c is found, the statements associated with that variables is executed. If no matching condition is found then “Invalid Entry” is displayed.


Enter any one operator +, -, *, /


Enter two numbers



The sum is 8

Enter any one operator +, -, *, /


Enter two numbers



The quotient is 5